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Showing posts from March, 2017

The Work

     A violet rose falls at my feet and a smile reaches my face. The love of my life, he’s back. Of course he is no longer mine, but I will always consider him my one and only love. The warmth of his body beside me feels so good. I missed him so much; I don’t know how I live these months without him. I look up and into the eyes of the man I love. He’s beautiful, yes beautiful. Daniel’s blue eyes reach mine and I take in his smile, new smell, new shirt, and now glasses instead of contacts. Yet still, same love. Same hug, same smile, same laugh, the same Dan. We walk down the path along the river, to our bench. Yes, our bench. Neither of us has said a word yet. We can’t, there is too much to take in. Soaking up the differences in each other since the last time we met. When he left the first time, I told him I would always love him, only now, he’s my brother. I have held true to that promise, I still love him, and I haven’t expected anything more than a sibling-like relationship.     

Remember the Eyes

   She's in my head, she never leaves. Not anymore, at least. Not since that day, the day that she won't let me remember, won't let me forget. They told me that I was crazy, that I didn't have a place in this world. They told me that they'd take me away, away to where it was okay to be crazy. Where everyone was the same. That's what they told me; before that day. I thought that they meant that they would take her away. Quiet her voice in my head. But they didn't. No. Instead they made her angry. Now, she will never go away. Or, at least that's what she tells me. ~    Today, I am going home. I don't know where that is, just that that is where I am going. Where they told me I was going. And I go, no reason not to. I don't have anywhere else to be. They load me up into a small green Austin Mini. The car smells like my grandmothers perfume. I don't remember my grandmother, I just know that that is what it smells like. I stay in the car, q

Bring Everyone

Immersed in her music, the woman did not notice a thing around her. She moved habitually around the other people on the trail with her bike. This was by far her favourite time of the day; the time where she could turn off all of her worn out senses and reboot her brain. The trail that she rode home on every day was always busy, especially when the weather was nice. Following the river, there were multiple parks situated around the trail that was often packed with families and teenagers. There are way too many details in this environment for her to take in or analyze; as a result, they washed over her, cleansed her. For the past two days, her bike had been making a slight knock every time her right foot passed the 150-degree angle from perpendicular. However, she had no intention of fixing it, the repetitive sound gave a nice rhythm to her journey. The woman started to slow down as she neared her destination, wishing for the song to end at the precise moment that she was to arrive.